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Search results

  1. rednass

    OpenVIX 5.2 for VU+ DUO 4K

    OpenVIX 5.2 for VU+ DUO 4K OpenViX 5.0 is based on the OE-Alliance v4.0 core. You cannot perform an online update if you are currently on OpenViX 4.x or older. You can download and then flash the newer images using the USB method or simply by using Image Manager. You can...
  2. rednass

    Help mise a jour starcom du 03/02/2019

    STARCOM SOFTWARES New Models SC-1818 DDR2 V 9.1387 Support H265 Fixed all bugs STARCOM/Moontage/u83k_starcoms_ddr2_V9.1387.rar New Models SC-2121 DDR3 V 9.1387 Support H265 Fixed all bugs STARCOM/Moontage/u83k_starcoms2121_ddr3_V9.1387.rar New software SC-1717 4G Mini HD V...
  3. rednass

    Help mise a jour SAMSAT_HD300_1506G_1G_8M

  4. rednass


  5. rednass

    Open BLACKHOLE 4.2.014

    Vu+ Solo Vu+ Duo Vu+ Solo SE Vu+ Zero Vu+ Solo 4K Vu+ Uno 4K Vu+ Ultimo 4K Vu+ Uno 4K SE Vu+ Zero 4K Vu+ Duo 4K Download
  6. rednass

    Openbox & SkyBox 21-11-2018

    21.11.2018 OpenBoxS3micro_v154.zip OpenBoxS3_v154.zip OpenBoxS2_v154.zip OpenBoxS2mini_v154.zip
  7. rednass

    Help istar Firmware 23-11-2018

    23.11.2018 OTT – SOFTWARE ISTAR Zeed4 OTT Software Rom
  8. rednass

    AB-Cryptobox 24-11-2018

    24.11.2018 702THD_V1.14.20088_23-11-2018.rar
  9. rednass

    Samsat Firmware 24-11-2018

    24.11.2018 61_SAMSAT_MYSTAR_1512_2G_8M_Q16_SDB3_19266_20181105111559.zip 61_SAMSAT_HD1300_1506G_1G_8M_SCB4_19241_20181102161508.zip 1507A_2G_8M_SCB4_SAMSAT_HD2300_V10.10.30_20181030.zip 1507G_2G_8M_SCB4_SAMSAT_HD1300_SUPER_V10.10.30_20181030.zip
  10. rednass

    Help Nouvelle mise a jour atlas F402

    Atlas HD-200s MainSoftware F402 Cela permet de capter les chaines de la tnt espagnol sur hispasat
  11. rednass

    Help vision / pinacle firmware 29-03-2019

    13.11.2018 LAUNCHER GOLDEN STATE LAUNCHER SAPPHIRE Vision Clever 4 12.11.2018 pinacle challenger PINACLE 9100 PLUS vision challenger mini
  12. rednass

    Rapitron Firmware 14-11-2018

    14.11.2018 GXDownloader_boot_V1.0.3.2_gx6605s-1.zip
  13. rednass

    Help Latest Firmware Class HD 16-11-2018

    16.11.2018 HD-15000x plus CLASS HD-50000MININI CLASS_HD50000-HD60000 CLASS_HD15000MINI CLASS_HDF1 MINI CLASS_HDF3 CLASS_HDF5 CLASS_HD2000
  14. rednass

    Help NETFREE EUROSAT SKS 107w 14.11.2018

  15. rednass

    oscam svn11.438 emu -r775

    - Add PowerVu hash mode 19 and 20 - Due to various changes made to the emulator, the emu reader configuration has to be changed for PowerVu to work properly. Please readoscam-emu/oscam-patched for more information. Télechargé oscam-svn11438-mipsoe20-webif-oscam-emu-patched.tar.gz...
  16. rednass

    droits tv : canal+ reprend la premier league à rmc sport

    La chaîne cryptée récupère les droits du Championnat d'Angleterre, dès la saison prochaine, au détriment de RMC Sport. La nouvelle va faire l'effet d'une petite bombe. Selon nos informations, Canal+ vient en effet de décrocher les droits de diffusion de la Premier League anglaise de football...
  17. rednass

    Help flash digiclass ma-1116 beoutq_ok

    Flash Digiclass MA-1116 beoutQ_OK
  18. rednass

    Help bessat firmware 01-11-2018

    01.11.2018 RS8 MAJ MID du 01/11/2018 RS8 PLUS MAJ MID du 01/11/2018
  19. rednass


  20. rednass

