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Search results

  1. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+Skin Pal.7.HD mod by Palikało image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+Skin Pal.7.HD mod by Palikało image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  2. pkoipas

    estar_nonsolosat-OE2.0 dm800se-V7.nfi_Clone

    estar_nonsolosat-OE2.0 dm800se-V7.nfi https://workupload.com/file/b9GqvdV
  3. pkoipas


    estar_powersat_3.4-dm800se-21-06-2016-Houara.nfi https://workupload.com/file/mZ8CfwR
  4. pkoipas


    estar_Satdreamgr-4.0-gst1-dm800se-20170317-Houara.nfi https://workupload.com/file/TJevWy8
  5. pkoipas


    estar_Merlin-3_OE-2.0-dm800se-20170217-Houara.nfi https://workupload.com/file/7DwcvrP
  6. pkoipas


    estar_newnigma2-ipk-weekly-dm800se-20170317-Houara.nfi https://workupload.com/file/mZ7yxJm
  7. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+Skin baset_mohreb6 image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+Skin baset_mohreb6 image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  8. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+ Skin SkalliHD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+ Skin SkalliHD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat http://www94.zippyshare.com/v/dXxCH0r6/file.html
  9. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+ Skin SparkV1 image Open PLi_Test Lucek Sat

    VU+ Skin SparkV1 image Open PLi_Test Lucek Sat http://www94.zippyshare.com/v/tDPDRobU/file.html
  10. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+ Skin ALLAN HD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+ Skin ALLAN HD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat https://www.sendspace.com/file/e2ig4t
  11. pkoipas


    New addons plugin.video.exodus-1.0.7 - Movies - thanks @Nitro123 plugin.video.specto.1.0.4 - Movies - thanks @Nitro123 plugin.video.tvalacarta-1.0.0 - Spanish plugin.video.vstream-1.0.0 - French - mystream, nowvideo, exashare worked. plugin.video.xstream-nightly-1.0.2 - German - thanks...
  12. pkoipas

    Softcam enigma2-plugin-kodilite

    enigma2-plugin-kodilite update 13_03_2017 Metod for installation: Ftp the .zip file to /tmp. Then give the telnet command :-unzip -o -q /tmp/*.zip -d /usr Restart enigma. http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/8GViIx2K/file.html
  13. pkoipas

    VU+Skin Bardo HD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+Skin Bardo HD image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat https://www.sendspace.com/file/foo3wa
  14. pkoipas

    VU+ Ultimo openATV 6.0 Image

    VU+ Ultimo openATV 6.0 Image__14_03_2017 openatv-6.0-vuultimo-20170314_usb.zip
  15. pkoipas

    VU+ Solo2 openATV 6.0 Image

    VU+ Solo2 openATV 6.0 Image__14_03_2017 openatv-6.0-vusolo2-20170314_usb.zip
  16. pkoipas

    VU+ Uno openATV 6.0 Image

    VU+ Uno openATV 6.0 Image__ 14_03_2017 openatv-6.0-vuuno-20170314_usb.zip
  17. pkoipas

    OpenHDF BootlogoSelector by stony272

    OpenHDF BootlogoSelector by stony272 enigma2-plugin-extensions-bootlogo-hdf-stony272_01_all.rar
  18. pkoipas

    Softcam VU+Skin turkuaz_beta image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat

    VU+Skin turkuaz_beta image Open PLi Test Lucek Sat http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/8fp6oA0N/file.html
  19. pkoipas

    Kwalito vérifier la composition de produits alimentaire (Android/iPhone)

    Kwalito vérifier la composition de produits alimentaire (Android/iPhone) Le fonctionnement de Kwalito Kwalito propose de vérifier la composition d’un produit alimentaire en quelques secondes à l’aide de son code barre. L’utilisation de l’application est enfantine. 1) On choisit son ou ses...
  20. pkoipas

    Softcam BootLogo__atv logos

    bootlogo1.rar bootlogo2.rar