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  1. Matrix

    CCleaner Professional Edition Inclus Serial 100% Legal (Software)

    Mise a jour: Pour ceux ayant deja CCleaner Professional d'enregistré il suffit de télécharger la nouvelle version de CCleaner ci-dessous et de l'installer par dessus l'ancienne. Ainsi vous serez à nouveau déja enregistré. Difference entre la Free et la Pro: c'est la 2eme Option décrite ici...
  2. Matrix

    oscam11532 emu -797

    [dvbapi] Small fix to previous commit <input type="button" value="DOWNLOAD"> MediaFire
  3. Matrix

    Plugins softcam-feed-universal_4.3-r2_all.ipk

    Softcam Feed for OpenATV (mipsel/arm) (Stand 12.06.19) Installation of the secret/softcam feed Option A: The easiest method of getting a shell session to the box is the "Terminal" in OpenWebif, but feel free to use puTTy or whatever you already use. That one-liner makes sure you get the...
  4. Matrix

    Can 2019 matches

  5. Matrix


    Hello, welcome, how can i help you ?, you can speak English Regards, Matrix
  6. Matrix

    Bonjour à tous....

    @affalkou, salut bienvenue parmi nous Cap
  7. Matrix


    @centurius, Hello, you welcome!
  8. Matrix

    oscam-emu r11522-796 patched by produsat™

    n Tryfix possible regression introduced in rev 11520 /trunk/module-dvbapi.c solve problem unknown reader very fasted on s*y de
  9. Matrix

    oscam-emu r11521-796 patched

    oscam-emu r11521-796 patched fix webif save issue with high var count /trunk/module-webif-lib.h
  10. Matrix

    oscam-emu r11520-796 patched by produsat™

    @sb206, https://www.produsat.com/forum/attachments/oscam-svn11520-solo4k-webif-dvbapi-emu796-upx-tar-gz.2494/
  11. Matrix

    oscam-emu r11520-796 patched by produsat™

    oscam-emu 11520 patched by produsat™
  12. Matrix

    How to install OSCAM on NewNigma2

    How to install OSCAM on NewNigma2 How to install OSCAM on NewNigma2 Dreambox, DM520, DM525, DM820, DM7080, DM900, DM920
  13. Matrix


  14. Matrix


    @lallasetti, actualiser la page et voir pièce joint
  15. Matrix


    @lallasetti, Salut le lien est a jour
  16. Matrix

    Présentation Effective !Salut à vous !!!

    @lallasetti, bonjour,bienvenue sur le forum Et bonne surf
  17. Matrix


    @sitabela, Hello, and welcome !
  18. Matrix

    Help oscam.server/conf s*y discussion

    @max.1, "oscam.conf "es ist für alle gleich
  19. Matrix

    Help oscam.server/conf s*y discussion

    Yes. But when run one reader restart oscam and wait few seconds