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1) Fixed crash log for VTi images
2) Slightly reworked the EPG auto-selection algorithm by channel name to improve the accuracy of its work
3) htmlentitydefs is included as a module and the plugin no longer requires this dependency to be installed
4) Once again, the algorithm for importing EPG events has been slightly redesigned. Fixed python bugs to work correctly with ZIP archived EPGs.
p.s. [30/10/22 04:30GMT] Fixed parsing of EPG given in plain (not zipped) XML... redownload ... --force-reinstall
Before installing this version, you must go to the "Reset Bouquets" menu in the plugin. This will delete only userbouquets created by this plugin.
1) Fixed bug with inability to select key-file on Egami images
2) A step back in the naming of userbouquet files. Returned the previous file names due to repeated requests of users for userbouquets created by this plugin. Made for compatibility with other plugins in which the mandatory prefix "userbouquet" and suffix "key" in names of user bouquets is strictly set.
3) Fixed optimization of downloadable picons for OpenATV 7.4 ... no more bug
4) Minor code changes to take into account the wishes of various users
1) Added functionality for custom sorting playlist groups in its settings using the remote control.
2) The texts of all menus and descriptions of their purpose in any settings menu (plugin settings, playlist settings, etc.) have been completely redesigned.
3) Locales updated. Many thanks to all users for translations into their native language.
4) Fixed various minor bugs reported by users.
p.s. When using the plugin and its various settings items, be sure to read the helper descriptions at the bottom of the windows for each item. These descriptions are made specifically for users to understand the functionality of the plugin. More time was spent on creating and translating these texts than on writing code
1) Changes have been made to the m3u playlist parser. Added processing of "nonsense" in the form of escaped HTML/XML characters that are sometimes found in the names of groups and channels in playlists. This change was made at the request of the user who provided an example of such a playlist. Most likely, he is not the only one, and such “absurdities” are a common occurrence among playlists from Europe with 200+ groups and 600,000+ channels
2) Added plugin logo output when used on an LCD instead of the standard “text information” of basic image skins
3) Minor adjustments to menu translations for UA and RU locales
1) Fixed an issue that some users encountered when specifying an m3u file and a link to an EPG
2) Minor optimization and universalization of the code
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